Saturday, May 21, 2011

Got A New Look

So I always try to update my website every now and then. It makes me feel like I have accomplished something. Even in the times when I find my self down and at a lost. So yesterday I took the time to give it a little face life. I am currently working on getting my own domain name. so that it is a bit more official then it currently is. But you have to work with what you've got. I went for a more fresh and bright theme. I have kind of been in to the light and airy color themes lately. I really think the site reflects that. Here a a few screen shots and a link so that you can go check it out for yourself. I would love to hear what you all think of it so feel free to comment.

Today's Inspiration { May 21th 2011 }

Todays Inspirational Photographer is Shelley Paulson. She is a photographer based in Buffalo, MN. I stumbled upon her blog a while a go and instantly fell in love with the realness of her photos. I have found that it is easy to get caught up in the high fashion editorial styles that we seen the magazines. but Shelley's works make me remember why I wanted to make photography my career. Below are a few imaged that I love. I have also included a link to her site and Facebook page. I hope that you enjoy her photography as much as I do.

Shelley Paulson Photography Facebook Page |

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Heart Shaped Glasses

I decided to be spontaneous today. I had an Idea and I wanted to go with it. Was covered in glitter because of it. But I believe that it turned out pretty well. Here are a few photos; you can see more on my Facebook Page. I will include the link. A big thanks to Kristen for putting up with my randomness she was awesome.

Today's Inspiration { May 18th 2011 }

So Todays inspiration is more a picture then a Artist. I like the Photographer that took this image but I was kind of struck by this photo. It has help me come up with a lot of interesting concepts. Though the application of those concepts haven't really been actualized just yet but hope fully they are coming later this summer since I have vowed to get more involved with my art. So I will finish my ramble and let you see the picture.

Eva Maya V By ozanb

I just love the contrast of the wallpaper and the model. I am all about the angle it was taken in to. I like the odd angle and points of view.

Monday, May 16, 2011

Today's Inspiration { May 16th 2011 }

So I thought that it would be fun to share photos or photographers that inspire me. I may not post one every day but I hope to post them as they come to me. I think that it is good to have people that you look at for ideas. I mean its a big world and you have to start with something as you develop a theme. Today I will be Sharing with you some of the work of Tyler Shields. He is a well known Photographer among Hollywood Celebs. His work is edgy and pushes boundaries. Which is one of the things I love most about it.

I'll Give you a little background on him; He is based in L.A. and got his start filming music videos. Now he creates stunning art as a photographer as well as video portraits. As I said above I am absolutely in love with his work. Both in picture and video. Below I have added a few of His Pictures that have really struck a cord with me. I hope that you love them as much as I do.

You can find more of his work at


Blogging hasn't always been the easies thing for me. I lake the motivation to actually update on a regular bases. So why start one? Well I have found that Blogging actually motivates me to do more in my day. It give me a reason to go out and shoot random stuff I found in the neighborhood. And I find that to be helpful with the more important project that I under take. So here it is my lovely photography blog.

What you need to know about me is that I pretty much live life through pictures. I love having documentation of the moment when people cry or laugh. It feels good to be a part of something that allows people to remember the precious moments. Most of all I like making people feel pretty or develop some confidence from my work. I hope to invoke some kind of opinion or feeling with what I present. Be it negative or positive. I am always learning and growing. It has been something that has molded how I look at life.

The purpose of this blog is for me to share my photos, my inspirations, the struggles and the successes. I am fully aware that no one may ever read this. But I want to put these things out there despite that. I have always found that it helps to write these things down and why not share them with others that may be in the same boat as me. So Welcome to Photographic Memorie; I hope you enjoy the ramblings of a aspiring photographer.